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San Borja installed 20 emergency buttons in high transit areas - Photo (c) by elcomercio.pe

New emergency buttons in San Borja

San Borja installed 20 emergency buttons in high transit areas


The district of San Borja installed 20 panic buttons to alert the municipal police force in case of any criminal acts on the streets.

A few weeks ago, the Municipality of Lima also installed 63 panic buttons for people who are threatened by criminals or need emergency assistance. The emergency buttons are directly connected to the command centers of each municipal police force (Serenazgo) to ensure swift communication with the authorities and provide much quicker assistance in any case of emergency.

"It is an easy way to establish immediate contact and facilitate timely care" - said the mayor of San Borja, Marco Alvarez.

These intercoms are deployed in high traffic areas, such as at the intersection of the Avenues Aviación and San Borja Sur, the Avenues San Luis with Javier Prado, between the Avenues San Luis and Angamos and Avenues Aviación with Javier Prado, among others.

The emergency buttons have been installed in orange boxes with illuminated buttons (better visibility at night). These boxes were designed to resist the high humidity and other contaminants caused by the nearby traffic.

In addition to the emergency buttons, the district of San Borja recently launched a new surveillance center of the municipal police force to monitor the 140 surveillance cameras. 48 of them are used to identify traffic congestions.


San Borja installed 20 emergency buttons in high transit areas - Photo (c) by elcomercio.pe
San Borja installed 20 emergency buttons in high transit areas - Photo (c) by elcomercio.pe
San Borja installed 20 emergency buttons in high transit areas - Photo (c) by elcomercio.pe
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