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Districts in Lima and Callao without water; photo: El Comercio

No water in Lima and Callao

26 districts cut off from water supply


Over the past days, the greater area of Lima was heavily affected by continuous rains which caused once again land and mud slides as well as flash floods. Now Sedapal, the Peruvian water company, informed citizens of the Peruvian capital that they suspended the water supply in 26 districts in Lima and Callao.

According to a press release Sedapal can’t extract water from the Rimac River at the moment as the masses of stones, drift wood, mud and debris in the river caused by the extreme weather conditions over the past weeks would damage the water treatment plants in Huachipa and La Atarjea.

Therefore, there isn’t enough water to continue the service in the following districts:

Bellavista, Barranco, Breña, Callao, Carmen de la Legua, Chorrillos, Comas, Independencia, Jesús María, La Perla, La Victoria, Lince, Lima center, Magdalena, Miraflores, Pueblo Libre, Rímac, San Borja, San Isidro, San Juan de Miraflores, San Luis, San Miguel, Surco, Surquillo, Villa El Salvador and Villa María del Triunfo

This suspension continues until the conditions improve hopefully in the coming days and allow to withdraw water from Rio Rimac again.

Update 28th of January 2017

Sedapal informed a few hours ago that the water supply in all district is restored.

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